Saturday, March 22, 2008

Another Friend

I had my one month follow-up training yesterday. We learned new things and were given helpful information to get us through to the next training. So of course afterwards everyone went out to eat and hang out. We split off in a smaller group of five and headed out. Almost the entire group decided to go to the same Mexican place and I was told it's pretty small and if 35 of us descend on the place it would be 3 hours before we got food let alone a place to sit.

So this is Wesley. He's in the same city I'm in and he teaches at the kindy.
I have a picture of Tony, David and Lauren as well, but after thinking about it I'm not going to post it. I'm sure I will get more safe for posting pics soon enough.

We went to a place called Jurassic. It has a Jurassic era theme with fossils all over the place. It's pretty cool. By the time I remembered I had my camera with me I was much too inebriated to really focus on taking pics of the restaurant.

The entertaining part of getting drunk in Taipei is that I live an hour outside of Taipei and still have to get home; via mass transportation; which closes at 11. It's 10:30 and we don't know where the closest station is. This is going to be fun. Added bonus - sidewalks in Taiwan are not even. Ever. You will be walking and there will be random rises and dips plus the areas of chunked up concrete for whatever reason.

So on the way to the metro station I am of course easily distracted and saw this excellent restaurant and had to stop in the middle of the street and take a pic. You can see though that I still have 42 seconds to make it safely across the street though.
The restaurant sign says Meet Fresh. I don't know what's fresh or who fresh is, but they want you to meet them or it. Sadly I did not have time to stop.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that I would certainly like to meet someone that isn't fresh is good right??