Saturday, March 08, 2008

I can do it myself

So yesterday I ventured out on the public transportation system by myself.
Earlier I had gone to Costco to stock up on some food items and anything else that might be interesting with my roommate Esther and Wes (a friend from training who is in the same city with me).
After we finished with that Esther had to go teach and Wes and I were going to head into Taipei to go to Ikea. Well for whatever reason I could not get a hold of Wes(still haven't talked to him actually) so I decided to head out on my own. It's a bit intimidating to head out into a place where I can't read most of the signs (although almost all the street signs have English on them).
The bus and the mrt (subway) were easy. Took a little while to get there and I got off one stop early to check the map of where I was going and had to wait for the next train, but I ultimately made it to the right stop.
Okay now I need to actually find Ikea. The directions say to head in the direction of a certain street, but I have no idea where that street is in relation to where I am now. So I'm standing on a corner looking at a map trying to figure out where the hell I am and this woman comes up and asks me if I need help. I tell her where I'm headed and she gives me perfect directions. So cool.
I love that about this place. The people are friendly and helpful. Especially when you look like a foreigner who is confused.

I headed to Ikea to check out some furniture options. I have a decent bed, but I want a sheet set like I would find at home. Over here they use fitted sheets and duvets. No top sheet. This is all well and good, but when it gets hot this summer a duvet is going to be way to heavy and hot to sleep under. I looked through the bedding department several times, but could not find a sheet set with a top sheet. I'm going to check a couple other places today, but I may be begging for mom to send a set soon.
I was also looking for a bedside table, a standing cabinet to put over the toilet in the bathroom so I actually have someplace to put things in there and a bookshelf. I found a few things in the table and bookshelf realm that were affordable, but there was no way I was going to be able to get the boxes home by myself on the mrt and bus. I could have taken a taxi, but that would cost over 20 bucks. Not bad when you think about the fact that it's a 30 minute drive from Ikea to my apartment, but I was feeling cheap. I also wanted to prove to myself that I could actually get there and back via mass transport.
So today once I lever my butt out of bed and get cleaned up I will head to the local stores (withing a 10-15 minute walk of my place) and see what I can find.

Hey all how come I never see any comments on anything. Is anyone out there actually reading this?

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