Monday, May 26, 2008

It Tastes Just Like Grandma's

Yesterday I was given the most wonderful treat. It's a flat disk of thin, flaky and crispy dough. I took one bite of it and it immediately made me think of my grandmother and home. They taste like sfeeha's. They are made here in Taiwan in a city called Ilan (pronounced E-lahn). I will most definitely be making a trip out there as soon as I can.

I know my family and a couple of friends will know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't a sfeeha is a baked meat pie. It traditionally uses lamb meat with pine nuts onions and allspice. This is all cooked together and then wrapped into a round of dough and baked. It is served with yogurt (plain yogurt, no flavorings or sweetners is the only way to go). I grew up on theses things and adore them.

I was actually thinking about them a few days ago and how nice it would be to have some and then sad because it would be impossible to get them here. When I took a bite of the treat I was so happy. It was wonderful.

I want to send a big Thank You to Jo Lee who is the girl who brought them back from Ilan (or had then sent by family. I'm not to clear on this point). I have of course thanked her in person, but many times is the only way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've had some of that before, your grandmother's recipe not Ilan. How wonderful for you to find something there that brings to mind your grandmother.