Monday, June 02, 2008


For those of you who aren't in my immediate gripe contact list, my computer is officially out of commission. Probably for a few weeks until I can get all the disks I need to reload the operating system and what not. Somehow the hard drive was completely erased.
I don't know if I got a virus or if someone hacked in and cleaned up for me.
Either way I am not pleased, but there's not much I can do really.

I got lucky in the place that I took my computer too. I walked in on this baking hot day and asked the girl in my mangled Chinese if she spoke English. She immediately responded with "What do you need?" Oh thank God. I fall over myself explaining what the problem is and she goes and gets the guy who does the tech stuff. The guy who does not speak English.
That's okay though. Just watching him check over my computer I can see he knows what he's doing.
So the only thing I lost that really upsets me is the pictures I've taken since I got here.
I have not backed anything up which is my own fault. Now I will know to back things up regularly. That is why I bought the external hard drive after all.


Unknown said...

Hey Doll!!! I heard about the computer trouble. That really sucks. But after all, it is a learning experience. Although, its not one that you would like to have. Back up back up back up!!! I hope things all get straightned out soon. On the up side, you'll have time to take more pictures, and some of them are even posted on your blog. Just download them and save them to the external drive...or better yet, burn them to a CD and store them away!

Love you hon! I hope things start looking up!

Unknown said...

I agree. When my computer crashed and they couldn't recover my word documents I started to back up everything I write with CD-RW's.