Thursday, August 28, 2008

Air Raid

So I know you are looking at this picture and wondering why the hell I posted a random picture of the street.
If you're not you should be. This picture is significant in that there is no traffic actively moving on the street in the middle of the afternoon. Big deal you say, the light is changing. No. No it's not.
There was an air raid drill today. Apparently Taiwan does this once or twice a year where they have a drill and everything shuts down. No vehicles may drive and people may not walk around. It's best if you just stay home. Businesses have to close their doors or at least stop business. This happens for half an hour in the middle of the day.
I didn't know this so I decide I need to get a few things done, head out and walk up the street. As I get close to the big intersection in the picture a police officer starts waving me off to the side of the street and when I keep walking towards him he tries to explain to me what's going on. In Chinese. Very helpful. I get the idea and wait out the next ten minutes in the shade texting with a friend and enjoying the weirdness of this busy city at a standstill in the middle of the day.

The picture below is what the intersection normally looks like at midday.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the reason for the air raid and clearing of the streets. Taiwan is preparing for the day that China invades to take over. They want the streets to be clear so they can easily mobilize the army, and the get people inside so random shootings are less likely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know I am really enjoying your blog.
FYI Mike Klarner has left FCX.
Angela Remter