Thursday, September 04, 2008


I ventured out to the Museum of Contemporary Art a few weeks ago.
I was of course not allowed to take pictures inside, or even carry my bag with me.
So here are a few pictures of the sign (with excellent English translation on it) and outside of the building.
I was planning on spending several hours wandering around and was rather surprised when I came to the end in just over an hour. The installations tended to be rather large (taking up whole rooms) and most of them baffled the hell out of me. That's pretty much what I would expect from any contemporary art though, so it's all good. So being contemporary art they change on a regular basis. I expect I will go back and check out new showings whenever they come about. Not that you care, but you know I'm writing a whole stream of consciousness thing here and that's what came out.
Okay, so moving on.

This picture is the sign of a cafe across the street from the MOCA, Mask Cat. I stopped in to have a bit of food as I was feeling peckish. There were three cats roaming about and generally making their presence known. It was wonderful because it reminded me of home, but it was also bizarre because that would never happen in the states. The health department alone would have a large hemorrhage and immediately shut the place down.
I had a very tasty kiwi smoothie and a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich on this interesting grain and pepper bread. May have to make it a ritual. Go to the museum and go here for food.

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