Sunday, October 19, 2008

Juniper Berries are Bad

It's a lovely Saturday night in Taipei. A group of us have just had a fantastic dinner at the Macaroni Grill and are at an outdoor bar area enjoying the evening and deciding what to drink. I peruse the menu and see a vanilla martini. What a lovely idea. Something slightly sweet with a kick in it will end the night nicely for me.
The waiter brings my drink out to me and the first thing I notice is the sickly brown color. It looks like real vanilla has been poured in for the flavor. Okay. The next thing I notice is the olives. ????
Why would you put olives in a sweet drink. Alright I can still deal with this. A bit of salty and sweet is okay with me. I take a drink. Why does this taste like sweetened gasoline? Dear God this is made with gin and vanilla. Why oh why would you mix gin and vanilla? This is not a good idea. Ever. Even the people who like gin thought this was a bad idea.
I ask the waiter if it would be possible to have my drink made with vodka instead of gin. He brings the drink back to the bartender and is back with it much too quickly considering the length of time we had originally waited for our drinks. (the place is pretty crowded since it is a beautiful Saturday night). I take a sip and it still tastes the same.
Me: "Did you add vodka to this?"
Waiter: "Yes."
Me: "Okay you're not understanding what I want here. Can you make this drink with only vodka? I can't drink gin."
Waiter: "I'll ask."
He walks away with the drink and dumps it into the sewer grate running along the back of the patio. That cracked me up. James could see the waiter talking to the bartender and the bartender was shaking his head no. Apparently he could not understand why I would want a martini with vodka.
I ultimately never got the drink and we moved on to a different part of the patio where the bartenders weren't smoking crack behind the bar.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I tried to comment before..but was having trouble...I'll try again.

Ok...What bar was this, and may I suggest you never try that again!!

That is aobut the most disturbing bar story I've heard so far...YUCK!!!