Monday, October 27, 2008

Peking Duck

One of the fantastic things about living here is that you can get Peking duck on a whim at any time. There is a shop up the street from my place that sells a whole duck with pancakes, sauce and green onions for about $13 US dollars. The woman takes the duck, cuts all the meat off and plates it. She then chops the carcass into bits and cooks that up with some greens, seasonings and I have no idea what else. That mess gets tossed into a bag for you to pick over. It's fantastic. I had some friends over the other night and we decided to have it for for dinner. I just thought I would share the deliciousness.


Anonymous said...

Dang, that sounds good.

Unknown said...

mmmm....yummie duck....

Unknown said...

When are you going to invite ME over for dinner?