Friday, December 12, 2008


Thursday night I went to work with a headache. I took some medicine before hand, but after an hour when it still hadn't helped I knew something was wrong. During my second class when the entire class was complaining that it was too hot and I was freezing I knew something was really wrong. I went home and went straight to bed and proceeded to not sleep for the next ten hours.
I repeated this process until my roommate came home. I begged her to go to the hospital with me, because I didn't have the energy to do it on my own.
It's really intimidating to go to a doctor in a foreign country.
Step one is communicating to the guard that doesn't speak English that you need a taxi to take you to the hospital.
Step two is staying awake long enough to get into the taxi.
Step three is telling everyone that you do not in fact speak Chinese and repeating your symptoms to about 8 different people.
The Dr. told me I have tonsillitis. They gave me a shot and told me to go sit and wait. About 10 minutes later a nurse comes and gives me some pills to take. Well that sucked a bit. About another 10 minutes later she came and checked my temp again to see if any of the meds were helping bring my fever down. Nope still 39 degrees (approx. 102).
They told me to come back in the morning and the specialist will drain the pus. Oh, well that sounds like fun. Lets do that.
So I go back in the morning and the specialist tells me that same thing the ER doc told me. I have tonsillitis. Uh huh. He asked me if the meds I was given were making me feel any better and I said only a little so he wrote a scrip for a stronger pain killer. He then swabbed my throat with something. It tasted oddly sweet. I don't know what it was or what it was supposed to do.
No draining was done. I guess the specialist didn't think it was necessary. Maybe the meds I was given the night before helped after all.
Hopefully I will be feeling better soon.


Karina said...

Ugh! How icky. I don't imagine being sick in a foreign country is fun at all. (I'll let you know when it happens to me!)
I hope you're not sick for long! I'll pray for healing. :)

Unknown said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I just added, "Having puss drained from my tonisils in China" to my TOP TEN THINGS I NEVER WANT TO DO IN THIS LIFETIME list. Hope you're feeling better sweetie! Keep us posted!