Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anniversary One

Hi all. I apologize for being so quiet on the blog front lately.
My first excuse is that I've been busy.
My second excuse is that I've been lazy.
My third excuse is that I've been pondering many things about my life
and the directions it may be headed in.

I have officially lived in Taiwan for one year as of today.
I find this amazing.
I have made several amazing friends. I have met many interesting/strange/wonderful/crazy/wrong people. I have gotten to know much of Taiwan and frequently realize I could live here for ten years and still have much to learn. I have realized that I came into an ideal situation when I arrived at my new temporary home. The area I work in and the people I work with and for have been an ideal mix for me. There is little drama and when I'm done with work I can go home and not have to think about it again until I return.
This is all great, but where is it taking me?
I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this and I know I will spend a great deal more.
As of this writing this is where I'm at:
I like living in Taiwan. I love the people I spend time with and I like the life that I am living right now.
However, the job I am doing and the life I am leading are place holders.
I know I need to and want to pursue something more with my life and I am looking into things.
I know that I am not done living abroad. Every time I sit down and think about going home I realize that I'm not ready. I haven't done even a tiny percentage of the traveling I would like to do. There is far too much to see and I know that I will never accomplish it all unless I manage to find a job that requires me to travel around the world. If anyone has any leads on a job like that that I would be qualified for please let me know.
I know that whatever I choose to do with my future I can continue the process here or where ever I end up. If I go into the family business it would probably be worthwhile to look into programs that I am a lot closer to now than at home (hello Australia or Europe).
So that is where I'm at right now.


Unknown said...

I know how you feel! when I finish my nursing degree, I am seriously thinking about joining the red cross. I'm not sure when/if that will ever happen, but it would be fun!!!!

Taiwan David said...

Ah, you have a blog!
I have one on blogspot I started when I came to Taiwan but haven't kept up with it. I've got my regular blog I've had for almost 10 years on another site, though.