I wasn't expecting a great deal from the day because I had to work for most of it.
I also woke up feeling incredibly tired and couldn't fall back asleep due to the jackhammers busily pounding away up the street. That feeling never left for the rest of the day, but it turned out okay anyway.
I went to the store to pick some things up and as I'm walking through the lobby the security guard stops me and tells me there is a package for me. YAY! I love packages and I especially love them when they show up on my birthday. Happiness abounds. I head to the store and pick up my package on my way back in. I missed getting an Easter egg last year because I was already here and didn't really need one. I really missed having it this year though and begged my mom to send me one and she complied with one in a swift manner. It has been sampled by my roommate and deemed acceptable. I know it's not going to last long.
So after the joy of receiving my package it was time to head off to work. I walk in the door and Norah (one of the secretaries) runs to the fridge and hands me a wrapped package. I asked her what it was and she told me it was a package. Thank you for that helpful information Norah.
I looked at the label which is all in Chinese and cannot figure out who the heck would send me a package, to work, in Chinese. I rip it open and there are two packages of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and I realized that Victoria had sent this before I even read the card. It made me so very happy and a little sad that I could not eat them right then, but I had brushed my teeth before work and I wanted to savor the goodness so I held off.
That happiness tided me over through the surprise of having to teach two classes combined into one for the day. Mark (the other teacher) had training and they forgot to arrange another teacher for his class so I got the pleasure of keeping a double sized class under control. Fortunately Miranda was there to help and it actually went just fine.
After my first class I have a half hour break and I usually head out to get a quick snack. As I was walking out I was presented a cake from the Chinese staff. It was so sweet and caught me completely by surprise. I love the question mark candle. So I had cake for lunch. So good.
1 comment:
Ok...I just have one thing to say....I'm a turd and I'm sorry. I completely forgot your birthday. Of course, that's nothing new. I just didn't have anyone to remind me this year. grr. sorry honey!!!! Love you!!!!
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