Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's go Swimming

My friend Susanne is an avid swimmer just like I am. Susanne has the added benefit of having learned how to speak and read Mandarin in her time here in Taiwan and has researched several long distance swims that go on around the island. So while we are both here in Taiwan she and I have decided to swim in as many of them as we can.
This weekend we (along with two of her friends I have not met yet, Katherine (my roommate extraordinaire), Liam and Ryan) will be heading down to Kenting on the south east side of the island. On Sunday we will arise with the sun (which I am not a fan of) and head off to Nanwan beach to swim 3000 meters in the beautiful ocean.
I am giddy with excitement. Saturday there will be scooter adventures and Sunday there will be hours in the salty goodness of the ocean (note to self: bring water bottle to swim with).
I expect many cheers of encouragement from all my friends and family for we will be swimming rain or shine. (I'm really hoping for the shine)

Also on a side note I discovered tonight that people I don't know are reading my blog.
I never really expected that to happen. Thank you for comment. I learned something I did not know. Welcome to anyone that is new to my blog. Please feel free to comment, keeping in mind that anything rude will summarily be deleted. You know, cause I can.

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