Thursday, June 18, 2009


Today I bring you a fun new fruit. These are lychees. I have no idea who saw these and thought it would be a good idea to try and eat them. I guess they're not all that new, they're just not all that common in much of the United States. You can find canned lychees in many supermarkets, but they do not fairly represent the true flavor of a fresh lychee.
In the first picture I have a bundle of lychees fresh from supermarket. Looks pretty intimidating doesn't it.

In picture number two I have a peeled lychee. You peel it like an orange. This variety is juicy and makes a decent mess so it's a good idea to have some napkins or a damp washcloth available for immediate use while eating.

In picture three is a close up of the fruit and the seed.


Unknown said...

Yes, I have seen the canned ones, never seen a fresh. What do they taste like?

Tanya said...

It's hard to describe. Their slightly sweet, but more of a sophisticated deep mellow sweet.