Monday, July 13, 2009

Another countdown

I realized a bit ago that most of my life runs on a series of countdowns to something.
Currently it is six days until I get on a plane and travel for 24 hours to go home. Then it will be 28 days until I get on another plane and travel another 24 hours to return. Then it will be 3 days until I move into my new apartment. Then it will be 4 days until I start my new job training. Then it will be 5 days until I officially start my new job.
I think you get the idea.
I have decided that this is good though. It gives me things to look forward to. Stresses to keep me awake. Reasons to keep working and living and finding new reasons to go out and do things.
I started writing this because I am stressing out over getting all my grading and final paperwork done for work, getting other paperwork straightened out and packing, but then I realized that this stress is good. Once everything is all done or I run out of time and it's out of my hands I will relax and be able to appreciate that relaxation so much more.
Well now that I got that out, hopefully I can get some sleep and wake up at some ridiculously early hour because I will worry myself awake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, we fly on the same day- i'm getting to escanaba by way of Denver, Minneapolis, and Detroit...uh, you still have me beat though. good luck with all your countdowns, and take care. love you lots,
