Saturday, May 15, 2010

Disembodied Voices

On occasion there will be a disembodied voice coming out of one of the cabinets in my apartment. It only speaks Chinese and I have no idea whatsoever what it's saying.
The first time it happened I was quietly reading a book on my bed and thought my apartment was haunted or maybe the neighbors were playing the radio of television really loud. I wandered around until I found where the noise was coming from, but I couldn't find any speakers or sources for the noise.
I was very confused.
I told friends of mine about it and a couple weeks later when they were staying at my place for the weekend it happened again and they didn't think I was crazy anymore. Well, not about that anyway.
Over time I met other people who live in the complex and asked questions. I was told by a few different people that the voices are the people at the front desk announcing things that are happening around the complex. There are often things going on such as masseuses coming in for short massages (5 min max) or performers for some holiday or other. It would be pretty interesting if I could understand anything at all.
So this morning the voice came on while I was watching something on my computer. I ignored it as usual (since I wouldn't understand it even if I did pay attention). I have just discovered what they were announcing. The water will be shut off for some reason or other. I think it has something to do with the road they're ripping up behind the complex, but I have no actual idea.

I have no idea how long the water is going to be turned off and I haven't taken a shower yet today. Here's hoping they turn it back on soon.

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