Saturday, November 06, 2010


This post is mainly for my family that knows what sfihas are. Sfihas are basically little meat pies wrapped in bread dough. They are delicious and now I really want to make my own. I must practice making bread dough though. I am terrible at making bread dough.
Anyway, I was visiting Dominique and Dylan in Hsinchu, which is a half hour high speed train ride away. They had a flier for this Brazilian restaurant that was advertising sfihas and I got very excited and insisted that we had to go and check them out. I knew they wouldn't be the same as the ones my family makes, but I had to know.

This is the menu. The only one I really find questionable is the hot dog one. If you have kids this would probably be a good one. Anyway, I didn't see any that I recognized so I tried the beef, curry chicken and cheese.

They look right (see above picture). They are wrapped in a slightly sweet dough, which is the same dough they use for the tasty pizza they also serve.
They tasted pretty good. The beef actually had small slices of tender beef in a stroganoff type sauce that was really nice. The chicken curry tasted like curry and I like curry so that was also tasty. The cheese had bits of tomato in it which added a nice moisture content and made it not to overwhelmingly cheesy.
I could eat these on a regular basis, but the restaurant is too far away.
So now I will hopefully soon try making my own. I will be sure to post the result, whenever I get around to it.

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