Sunday, January 08, 2012

Yangminshan Hike 2

Hike number two today. Went back to Beitou and Yanmingshan and took along an ally this time who has hiked some of the trails before and helped lead the way. Katy, I thank you. 
We found the park sign.
The hot springs are largely sulfur based. If you look carefully you can see the yellow sulfur on the shore in the distance where the steam is venting.
 Sulfur stained rock.
 Be careful of the geysering boiling hot water.
 Everywhere you walk you can see steam rising.

 The cistern is holding water that is violently boiling.
 There are packs of stray dogs everywhere.

Katy is tired and we're only half way there. 

Next week I'm getting on a plane and heading home for my sister's wedding. Hiking pictures will be on hold for about a month. Maybe I'll post pics of the wedding and my travels to see friends. Maybe.

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