Can't really complain though, because we don't really work so much as watch students take exams and make sure they're not cheating. Plus we got done at noon so the whole day wasn't a waste. Granted by the time I got home, had lunch and got motivated to go out again it decided to start pouring and that put a damper on the evening plans of going to a restaurant on the beach and listening to the band I told you about from last weekend. The main point of going to La Mer, the restaurant, is to see the beach and sit out on the deck under the stars.
I was also pretty tired anyway and not really wanting to go anywhere that involved effort i.e. getting up and moving. I had invited several people over for Friday night to test out the rotisserie function on my new toaster oven. I went out and got a big chicken and everything.
Six people had told me they were coming, one of whom is a vegetarian, so I figured an 8 pound chicken would be plenty. Throughout the day 4 people canceled on me, but not the vegetarian. So now there's just going to be three of us, which is fine because my friends are awesome and it's just nice to be able to spend time with them, but now I have an 8 pound chicken that only two people are going to be eating.
If any of you have good ideas for leftover chicken please send them along.
I prepped the chicken, a whole free range chicken with the head and the feet (ick!) and attempted to get it on the rotisserie. I forgot to get twine to tie the chicken up and I ended up having to just roast it. It turned out great, if slightly undercooked, but that's what a microwave is for.
The three of us talked, ate and watched The Princess Bride because Tania had never seen it before and needed the experience. It was inconceivable to Dominique and I that she hadn't seen it. After Tania went home Dominique and I stayed up for a bit talking and trying to figure out why my computer wouldn't let me access the Internet. It was still downloading just fine and showed that it was connected at full speed, but would not let me access web pages on Firefox or IE. I did a system restore the next morning and so far things seem to be fine, but I'm still having problems with itunes. It won't download my podcasts or access the itunes store. It keeps telling me the account settings are wrong.
I just checked it now, because I was thinking about it and it seems to have magically fixed itself. Yay!
Anyway, I have officially entered into full on lazy summer mode. I am just going to sit and watch t.v. shows and let my brain melt in the air conditioned bliss of my apartment.
After we get back I'm planning to finally take some Chinese lessons again. I'm going to be here for a couple more years at least so it would really be helpful to know more than I do. At the very least be able to tell a cab driver how to get me home without telling him Carrefour, which is now closed and possibly soon to be demolished. I'm also going to get my driver's license. Maybe if I can legally drive in the country I'll drive more often and not just let my motorcycle sit and collect dust.
So that's the what's what for now.
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