Monday, August 28, 2006

Greetings from Michigan.
I am on my actual vacation from work. Currently visiting my sister who is at work at the moment.
I'm in the apartment with two cats and Erin, Karina's roommate, has allowed me to use her computer so here I am. Waiting for my breakfast to heat up and listening to Bob and Tom. Breakfast is healthy leftovers from dinner last night. A deep fried Monte Cristo from Bennigans. Quite yummy.

I arrived here late Saturday night and got to meet Erin's date Jim. Seemed like a nice enough guy. I'll have to get updates once in awhile to see how things turn out. Since I got here pretty late we just talked for a little while and then went to sleep. Well we went to bed and talked some more until we just drifted off.

Sunday we went to breakfast after they went to mass. Karina decided we should check out the buffet at the Spinnaker, which is the restaurant inside the Hilton. Quite a tasty buffett, complete with omelet chef. Expensive! Karina treated me to breakfast which I was grateful for. She was given a $10 discount for next time.
After breakfast we headed back to the apartment and took a walk after setting up the activity for later. Karina gave me a tour of the complex and we checked out the clubhouse. Pretty nice. Has a pool, workout area and nice large deck over a pond that is an unnatural shade of blue.
So Karina discovered a place that rents canoes, kayaks and tubes and then sends you down the Muskegon river on them. We got kayaks for an hour and a half and drifted down the river. We even managed not to dump ourselves in the river unintentionally. We did stop at an island and play in the surprisingly strong current for a bit.

We got back and changed and once Erin got back we headed off to Bennigans for dinner. We had a wonderful waitress and I am only sorry that I don't make more money so I could have left her a bigger tip. Thanks for the great meal and good time! ; )

Okay it's time for me to go take a shower and prepare to meet the day.

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