Friday, July 13, 2007

What to do? What to do?

Once again I find myself at a time in my life where I am wondering what the hell to do with myself.
The whole peace corps thing is rapidly going to pot, although for a 'price' I could still make it happen. The government has determined in all their wisdom that I need "a custom-fitted, hard, laboratory-processed occlusal guard. An over-the-counter guard is not an acceptable alternative."

So now I'm
just irritated with the whole process and am pretty much giving up on the principal of the thing. To get a mouth guard from the dentist I currently see will cost me $701. I will not spend that kind of money on something that I will not use.

Quite frankly I fail to see why this is something I must have before they will ship me off to a foreign country. I have tried to get a hold of the person handling my dental stuff and she has called me back, but actually getting on the phone with her has yet to happen. For some reason all of the stuff they send me is also going to my parents house in Michigan. So of course when I called and left my personal number that I can be reached at they called my parents house.
What the fuck!?

So yes after all the aggravation of filling out the application and getting the recommendations and going to doctors and spending ridiculous amounts of money on said doctors I will not in fact be going.

A major thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that I haven't talked to one of my closest friends in several months because of this. The problem is I don't know if I'm at the point where I can forgive her yet. I know she is aware that I'm angry with her because she hasn't tried to contact me at all. I'm not in the habit of just dropping long time friends out of my life, but it's much easier to ignore a situation when said friend lives across the country and I won't randomly run into her on a daily basis. I will keep working through my feelings.

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