Monday, February 26, 2007

And now for this. . .

I have finally graduated from college.
There were several mis-steps along the way, but I have accomplished my goal and am ready to venture forth into the world. Sort of.

I had decided a few years ago that after I graduate I am going to join the Peace Corps and go out into the world. Little did I know that you don't just join the Peace Corps and head out on an adventure. You have to apply. Let me tell ya, the application process is loooong.

I have been interviewed and it went really well, although I dressed too casually. I was really proud of the pants I had chosen, but he saw them in a different light than I did. When I went over to a friends house later that day I was told I looked like I was wearing pajama pants. That upset me a bit since they are expensive wool pants. They are a funky plaid print that I really like, and they fit me perfectly right off the rack. So rarely happens let me tell ya. I love my booty, but it can be a pain in the tucas to find pants that fit right and look right.

So anyway, along with filling out the 8 mile application you must also have 3 recommendations written for you by 3 specificly defined individuals.
The first recommendation was submitted without any trouble. The second one filled the whole thing out and thought it had been submitted, but it wasn't (we can't seem to figure out why). The third recommendation informed me that they were feeling guilty because they hadn't taken the time to finish. The recommendations are what are holding me back from being put in for nomination right now. I am rather angry with the third recommendation person. I realize the person who is doing this for me is also busy, but they had made a promise that it would be done by a certain date that is now over a month past and they still have not finished it.

So right now I am watching my dream of traveling across the world and living in poverty (although government subsidized poverty) run screaming naked across the plains a lot faster than I can. The longer it takes to get the recommendations in the worse it looks on me and the less likely I am to be nominated for the next phase of tests and such. Arrrrrgh!

I know I should talk to my friend about my anger, but I would rather stew and complain and ask someone else to do it for me (which I did).

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