Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Weathermans Truth

This is a picture of my house on the first day of 2008.
The weatherman was predicting overcast skies with flurries all day long. Now while it is in fact cold in that makes your nose hairs freeze kind of way, there are virtually no clouds in the sky and certainly no flurries. It's kind of beautiful in a frigid don't touch me sort of way.

I hope this heralds good things for the year to come. While I am not a fan of the extreme chill the sight of blue skies and the good things it encompasses make me feel kind of fuzzy inside. No that feeling is not a hangover from too much partying. It may possibly be because I slept half the day away and am kind of drifting through the rest of it.

With the new year I will quickly fall back into the rhythm of daily life as it was. Hopefully I will pick up motivation and get things in order sooner rather than later for my imminent departure. Now that the holidays are officially over I need to focus more closely on what I need to take with me, what I want to take with me and what I can take with me.
I also need to find a use for breadcrumbs. I have a whole lot of bread crumbs in my cupboard for some reason.

May the new year bring many good things to us all and the strength to get through the difficult.

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