Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where the hell is my Passport?

So I was driving back from Chicago at around 7 in the evening when I realize a couple of things:
1.I didn't actually sign the paperwork that I dropped off to apply for my residency visa and 2. They still had my passport.
Hmm. Obviously I couldn't drive back because the building was closed anyway. I figured that had my number and if there was a problem with anything they would call me. I also figured if they didn't send my passport back to me with the paperwork I still had time to drive my ass down there and retrieve it.

The beautiful thing is on Friday I received a package from the TECO office and inside the package was my passport with a freshly pasted residency visa inside. Hoo-ray! Let me tell ya I was most relieved and quite excited. Nobody had explained to me that they need to keep my passport in order to put the documents inside of it. It was all kind of a rushed experience.

The baby steps are getting me closer and closer boys and girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your passport is so pretty! I imagine it feels good to see that. Wow, leaving on the twelveth. I can remember the date because it is the same day I have a dental appointment. =) While I'm getting my teeth cleaned I'll look up at the dentist and say, "i isger is eaeing hor kaihan kahay." Which can be translated to "my sister is leaving for Taiwan today." This, I am sure, will lead to many questions, most of which I will ignore until his hand is removed from my mouth.
Yeah, less than a week now. So, does your wafflemaker need a place to stay while you're gone? =)
