Friday, February 08, 2008

No! I am not done packing yet!

Okay boys and girls. I love ya all lots and I know you're just trying to act interested, but I'm really tired of people asking if I'm packed yet.
I am seriously struggling to condense my life down to a couple of suitcases and not completely freak out. Quite frankly I will not be finished packing until thursday evening when I am officially out of time. It would be easier if I were just packing up the whole house, because then I wouldn't have to think over whether I will need it or not.
Yes I can get pretty much anything in Taiwan, but will I be able to get what I'm used to?
In general I don't mind trying new things, but there are a handful of items (that I'm not telling you about) that I don't feel like experimenting with. I have things that work for me and just want to keep using them. But they get heavy when you put too many together. Arrrggghh.
Yes I will figure things out, but until then please just let it be.

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