Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is it Time to Panic Yet?

I am down to the zero hour. Still have things to pack and take care of. Car is not ready. Might not be ready until this afternoon. It's snowing. A Lot. I just want to sit and read, but my procrastination makes that impossible. Well hopefully the ulcer will not crop up yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure packing was no sweat. You sounded like you had it all together when I called. =)
I really, really hope you made it safe and sound and the flight, other than being ridiculously long was not terrible.
I called mom and dad yesterday around 9:30 PM to ask about the big departure and apparently they were already asleep. I know this because the second time I called(to leave a message this time) dad picked up the phone and I immediatly realized he had just waken up. Whoops! He wasn't mad though. What a nice guy!
Love you!