Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well here I am

Howdy Do boys and girls.
I have arrived safe and sound in Taiwan. Hooray for me.
My parents and I headed down to Milwaukee Thursday evening to avoid getting stuck in rush hour traffic on Fri morn. I knew I wouldn't be sleeping much one way or the other anyway so it was nice to get to stay in bed until 6.
We were at the airport the requisite two hours ahead of flight time and as I figured it only took about twenty minutes to get bags checked and boarding pass acquired. Then I sat and chatted with my parents until 8. It took barely 5 minutes to go through security and then I was free to sit and wait. Granted I was bawling like a baby so that helped pass time.
The flight to LAX was alright because I ended up getting the last row of seats all to myself. I stretched out in the middle and even got to lay down and snooze a little.
Getting into LAX was interesting. I had no idea where I was supposed to go to get to my connecting flight. There was no one at the Midwest desk to help me and the flight attendants also did not know where to send me. Happily there were people manning a desk for some airline or other (I forget). The girl was very helpful though.
I must go to the international building which means I have to leave the building I'm in and head up the way to the right. Easy enough. All I can find is the arrivals area though. A kind gentleman saw that I was confused and helped me out then hit me up for money for some charity to help needy children. I hate that. I know it's not p.c. to say that, but I already donate money and time to causes I don't need more people hitting me up in a city that I don't even live in.

Gate and plane in Milwaukee.

Large airplane that flew us over the pacific. NO individual T.V.s by the way John.

So the flight over was 14 hours. Thankfully the guy who had the aisle seat next to me found another open aisle seat and moved. The seat to my right was also empty and there was a guy in the other aisle seat so we both had two seats to use. I actually got to lay down and get some sleep for part of the time. Really hard to get comfortable when the arm rest doesn't fit flush with the seat and digs into your back. I was just grateful for the extra room and freedom to get up and move whenever I needed to without constantly asking someone to move.

Arrived in Taipei with no problems. The driver that picked me up only weighed a few more pounds than my big suitcase. He managed to heave it into the trunk though.
I am staying at the Golden China Hotel for the duration of my training. It's quite nice. Clean and warm with hot and cold running water that you shouldn't drink.
Hooray for bottled water.
More will be forthcoming but for now I head off for sleep.

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