Tuesday, February 19, 2008

No Money For You!

So I had a fun type of panic situation today. I've started training which on the first day wasn't too intensive. We got a quick tour of the city (pictures to come soon), and then got to visit the building we will be spending the next two weeks in. Fun afternoon of going over stuff we've discussed a hundred times with our recruiters and whatnot and then going over what to expect.
So one of the things we have to do is get our Alien Residency Cards. In order to do this you must have a housing contract signed and be able to submit it. All right not a problem. Going looking at a couple places this weekend and it looks like I will be moving in with two girls that already have a place. Will be lots less expensive and help me in the fun/scary transition stage once again.
I've been told that the deposit and whatnot all have to be in cash. Apparently most money transactions that take place here are cash only. Hmmm... this could make things interesting.
So I'm thinking not a problem I've got my ATM card the bank knows I'm here I can just go get the cash and have it available for when I need. I'm sure you are seeing what comes next. The ATM machine I try won't accept my card. Okay how about the credit card. Still no go. Shit! This is bad.
So I talk to a few people and am basically told try a couple ATMs. Sometimes one just won't take cards for whatever reason. So after training finished for the day I head up the street to another bank (there are like four in a two block radius around the hotel), and try again. Joy upon joy it works. The machine even has English subtitles so I know I am not inadvertently trying to take over a third world country. : p

So I'm much more relaxed now. Still haven't actually gotten into a good sleep pattern yet, but I will soon just because I'm so freaking tired. Food has been stellar (again pics soon). That will be the next post.
Much love to all.

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