Monday, February 25, 2008

Training for Days

Hello all.
I have been really busy these last few days. The training program I'm in is pretty intense, but we are almost done. Saturday was our day off, but most of us (there are 52 in our group) headed off to our branches that we will be teaching at to look for apartments and to meet our bosses and some of the people we will be working with.

I will be living just outside of Taipei. I am in the foothills and have easy access to hiking trails and the city itself seems like it will be pretty easy to get around in.
I am really lucky in that I will be moving in with a girl who has been living here and teaching for Hess (that's the school I am with) for awhile. Her name is Margot and she was very cool when I met her and really organized. Had the cost of living all itemized on a sheet for me. There will be three of us, but I haven't met the third girl yet.
I know that living with someone who knows how to get around and how to do things will be immensely helpful for me and make getting settled in a lot better. I'm so excited right now.

Oh I'm hearing Fur Elise right now. You know one of the songs the ice cream trucks always play in the summer. Well here that song means that the garbage truck is coming and you need to take your trash out and toss it in the truck. I'm dead serious about this.
There's your fun little tidbit for the day.

I will talk to you all soon.

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