Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hot Pot

This is Hot Pot. It is similar to fondue. What happens is each table or person has a burner that a pot of broth or water is set on. You choose whatever you want to put in your pot to cook. The first place I went to that had this had a large pot in the middle of the table for the group of us. There were five of us that went. At that restaurant you went up and chose whatever you wanted in your soup from a case. There is of course always rice and you also get to make your own dipping sauce. That's quite the adventure when you have no idea what any of the stuff is that's available for sauce.
In the pictures my roommate Lori and I just stopped in a little restaurant and each person got their own pot and could control the temp. Just like cooking at home. At this restaurant you again made your own sauce and I again had no idea what was available. I think I may have put some kind of liquid jello in mine. Was weirdly sweet. Couldn't eat it. heh.

For dessert there was frozen yogurt. Again this was weirdly sweet with little chunks of some type of fruit in it. I could not identify it. The flavor seemed like something I have had before, but I just couldn't place it. I'll let you know if it comes to me.

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