Sunday, March 09, 2008

Here ya go mom

Lest you all think I am wasting away my free time with no one to talk to here are some of the people I've met and have been getting to know better.

This is Sky and Amelie. Sky is Taiwanese and Amalie is South African.
Sky is a p.e. teacher here and so far she and I get along great which is awesome, because aside from being someone fun to spend time with she can help me out with all the questions about being here like what the hell is that?! Amalie is a teacher with Hess at the branch I work at. She is also a lot of fun.
This is Sky with her boyfriend Eddie. He is the teacher that I am replacing. He and Sky have been together for a few years and he's going to study Chinese full time for awhile. He's British by the way.

These aren't all the people I'm meeting, but these are the only pics I have right now.


Unknown said...

who's the boy!!! btw, your supposed to find me a boyfriend and ship him back to me! preferably tall, dark and buff!! That my dear, is your goal for the next 3 months.

Tanya said...

I explain who the boy is in the post you goober.
You want I should find tall in an Asian country? How tall are ya thinking? Because I'm considered tall here.

Unknown said...

well tallish...they make them..I've seen them... not many of them...but they exist! I know they do!!!