Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So Tanya, you say to me, how are you feeling? Well I'm feeling like a great big moron, thank you for asking.
Why are you feeling like a great big moron?
Because when I teach English to kids whose native language is Chinese I have to talk in much simpler language than I normally would to children that are 8 years old and older. I feel like a condescending bitch, but I know I have to talk like this or the kids won't understand and won't learn. So yesterday was hard. A parent came in to complain that I am talking too fast and using words that are too big so her son is having trouble understanding. I just have to keep reminding myself that when people are talking Chinese and trying to teach me how to say things I want them to talk soooooo slowly so I can pick up the tone and accent.
Today went better. I was observed by my boss and he told me I carry myself well in the classroom, but I need to cover things more quickly. I tend to over explain things and that takes too long when we have lots of things to do. My boss is great. Easy to talk to and willing to help with anything I might need.

So as of today (wednesday march 12) I have been teaching my own classes for 1 week. I start a new class that I have been observing on Sat and in the middle of April I will have one more class added so I will be up to 9 total.
The kids are just like kids in America. Smart and full of energy for the younger kids and the older kids are like typical teenagers. They will learn the information, but don't really want to have to participate or talk.
The names that some of the kids have though are wild. I have Yo-Yo, Cola, Even(like even/odd) and Sonic. There a few other odd ones, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind.
Keep in mind that these are the kids English names. They have given Chinese names and many families also give English names. Some families will bring their child to school on their first day and ask the teacher to give them an English name because they do not know any or can't decide.

Now that I have gotten that out I feel a little better.
Talk to you all soon ;p


Anonymous said...

Wow! A whole week already under your belt. Woohoo!! Ra Ra! (Those are motivational cheers)
I want my English name to be Splitz. Then I can demonstrate my name everytime someone asks what my name is. =)
Seriously though - not overwhelmed? 9 classes seems like a lot, but will there be 9 every day or just throughout the week?
Teaching period would be overwhelming for me. At least since they're learning grammar and words and stuff grading papers should be easy =).

Unknown said... that you mention it...I wonder what my English name would be. Ok, I'm not going to pick it for myself, so I leave that up to you Ms. Tanya. Love ya babe!!!