Saturday, March 15, 2008

So then - Oh hey! Look at that.

So today has been one of those days where I have the attention span of a ferret on crack.
I taught an Express class, which is kids who have graduated from the standard program and want to (or their parents want them too) keep improving their English. So the kids are all high school age and the class I have is pretty good. Most of them talk to me and participate. It is only the first day of that class so we will see how it goes.

So I get home from work with the intention of having lunch and then heading out to pick up some stuff for my room. I sit down to eat and make the mistake of turning on the computer and puttering around with that for a little while. Then my roommate is watching the last Lord of the Rings movie and I sat down to talk to her for a bit and of course had to watch the rest of the movie. Which is still like two more hours.

Okay movies over I should head out. Oh hey the computer's still on. Hmmm. What can I find. Lalalala. Oh right I was heading out.

There's more firecrackers being set off. Nothing new there. Geez they're going on a lot longer than usual. What the hell? I wander out the balcony and there's a little parade going on up the street. There are dragon dancers and music is being played. I ran to get my camera, but by the time I came back (like 30 sec later) they had rounded the corner and were setting up shop in a restaurant of all places. I have no idea why they were doing this, but it was pretty cool to watch. Don't worry I know I will see more like it soon and I will definitely get video one of those times.

Now what was I doing? Oh yeah, leaving.

Finally head out and make it to Carrefour, which is the Taiwanese version of a Super Walmart.
Okay I have a cart, they charge ten Taiwanese dollars to use a cart like at Aldi's. You get it back as long as you return the cart. So I've been here a couple times now and have a pretty good idea of where everything is that I need. Hey... they're giving away samples of alcohol. What kind? Glenfiddich. Right. Nevermind.
It's Saturday which means it's sample day in the food section. I was considering until I saw the table full of randomly chopped up fish bits. I'm not entirely certain it was being cooked before it was being given out. Now that I think about it, that was probably a display for you to buy the random bits of fish. Oh!! New sad thing I saw. A tank full of large frogs. I don't know if they kill them for you or if you get the pleasure of doing that on your own. They were next to the tanks full of live fish and clams. The wild thing is there was no lid on this tank. I'm amazed the frogs were not jumping out all over the place. They must keep them sedated.

Since milk is pretty expensive here I thought I would try being thrifty and buy soymilk. I have had soymilk before, but the brand I chose was horrid. Fortunately the container was small. I will keep trying a few different ones and keep you updated on the various flavors of ick.

I did manage to buy a small bookshelf that will also serve as my bedside table and I keep meaning to sit down and put it together, but there are other things to draw my attention. Like food. I bought some gourmet Pringles. One is sea salt and black pepper and the other is Thai sweet chilli & lemongrass. These are today's favorite things. So yummy. Especially the sea salt and black pepper. You know what sounds fantastic right now is my homemade chocolate chip cookies. I wonder how much of a pain in the ass they would be to make in a toaster oven. We do not have an oven. Most apartments do not. I'm kind of afraid to find out how much an apartment costs that has an oven. Apartment hunting is a whole other post or else this one will be 8 pages long.
On that note I should probably sign off for now. Who knows, maybe I'll put the bookshelf together. The computer is on if you want to say hi. ;p


Unknown said...

I want those chips!!!!!

BMW said...

OK..I have no idea how to actually just post random things so I will comment on this lovely article. Only I can only see half of the column that I am writing on. SO..forgive me if nearly everything is spelled wrong. is my comment.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Madam Tanya. We miss you here in the old country. Take care and I hope that you are fairing well in your new home.
