Sunday, March 02, 2008

Famous Dumplings

This is the sign outside the "famous" restaurant Din Tai Fung. They are famous for their dumplings. They literally get people from around the world that come just for their dumplings.

This is the menu posted outside the front door. Something we completely failed to notice when we were rushing inside. There was a group of us going and we had to take three taxis to get us all there. There are also several locations located around Taipei and around Taiwan itself.
We all managed to make it to the same location. : ) The menus have English subtitles on them which was nice for us.

Pork and shrimp dumplings. Really tasty.

More dumplings including filled buns. I didn't have any of the buns, but the veggie dumplings were lovely. The little dish in the middle is filled with shredded ginger, soy sauce and vinegar.
You dip the dumplings in the sauce and scoop up a few pieces of ginger and eat them together. Delicious.
Service was great and they are used to foreigners coming in and asking them to take their pictures. Almost everyone at our table asked and the wait staff did it all with a smile.

For a finishing note the restroom (well the womens anyway) had these high end toilets with heated seats, bidet option and blow dry option. There were a few other buttons as well, but I couldn't read them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tanya,
This is Jill here. Loving the info.
What a fun and informative blog.
I thoroly enjoyed the details and local color.
Amazing home: Did you have to search for the apartment or was it provided. so large.
Private boudoir.
Ikea sounds ideal for shopping small and neat items.
Food: Will enjoy hearing
more details. I think.
Called your Mom last week to see a food channel program on Taiwan. the food was not the best looking.
Yesterday we bought and tasted
a dill pickle pringle.
Spring has arrived here. Sort of.
Snow is well gone back to earth.
I will need to say good bye.
Wish you happy spring.
Interested to hear about the plants and foliage and trees etc.
Esp. spring time.
Love, Jill