Sunday, April 06, 2008

Fun with Food

So the next few posts are going to be a bit random.
I was quite busy this weekend and there are too many pictures to post so I am going to pick a few and go where the happy takes me.
These pictures are all from Danshui which is a coastal town north-west of Taipei.

This bottle of beer is actually a brown bottle. This is a good thing because the green bottle of Taiwan beer is about on par with Bud Light. Taiwan does in fact have a brewery and the stuff in the brown bottles is pretty tasty.

I'm not entirely sure why there are giant meatballs on a stick because the stand this is in front of is not selling balls of meat on a stick. I felt a photo was necessary. What do you think?

Squid on a stick. What could be more fun than that? Well possibly the random balls of meat on a stick. I guess I will have to concede the point. They take the squid and grill it and then cut it up for you if you so desire. I have not actually tried this yet, but I'm told it's delicious. Much like calamari, but better apparently.

This isn't a great picture, but it gives you an idea of the strip. The street we are on is lined with stalls selling food, tourist souvenirs and game booths. Danshui is a coast town so there is lots of seafood. The guy sort of looking back at me is Dave a fellow teacher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have decided that if you want to bring me something back from Taiwan, I do not want squid on a stick.

Thank you,