Sunday, April 06, 2008


On Saturday Lauren and I went to a town called Wulai. It's pronounced Oooolai.
Taiwan has many hot springs all over the island and Wulai is one of the places that has them.
They also have fantastic food from the street vendors. I had one of the best pork buns that I've had since I got here. It was fantastic.

This is the river. It really is that fantastic shade of blue.

Pretty shot of homes built into the side of the mountain.

This is the adorable train that shuttles you back and forth to the waterfall.
It's about 4 cars long and looks so tiny. It's just cute.

Me and Lauren at the waterfall.

Wulai is about two hours away from where I live. It's pretty close to Taipei. From where I am I take a bus for about 20 minutes and then I get on the MRT and go all the way to the end of the green line which takes about 40 minutes. Then at the end of the green line we get on a bus to Wulai which takes about 40 minutes. We got lucky and there were no seats left for us. So we spent the trip sitting on the stairs of the emergency exit.
It went by pretty quickly though since we talked most of the way and took in the beautiful scenery of being in a subtropical mountainous area. Beautiful.

Once we got there we soon learned that if you actually want to soak in a hot spring you need to stay in the central town area or have a mode of transportation other than you're own two feet.
We saw a sign for Wulai springs and an arrow pointing up a street so we follow it. And we get farther and farther away from anything. We did get to walk along the river and see some beautiful scenery. We eventually came to a house and asked a man and he ultimately directed us back to town so back we went.

So we got back and wandered up and down the strip and headed to the waterfall.
It was really lovely and I could happily spend several days in a row there just eating the awesome food from the vendors. Granted I would gain a whole lot of weight, but yummy deliciousness would make it worth it.

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