Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's a Big Freakin Canoe

Hello boys and girls.
How is life is your portion of the world?
Life is very early in the day for me right now.
I am partaking in something called Dragon Boat Racing here in Taiwan.
Basically you cram 18 people in a giant canoe and paddle like mad for 500 meters.

Of course there's a little more to it than that, but it's not as much fun to say.
These are pics from our first practice. We are of course meeting under an overpass to practice how to correctly paddle a boat.
This is the tank that we are learning how to paddle in.

Here's a different angle. Notice the random dude in the back. He's not with our group.

This picture is of some of the boats all decked out. I don't know if they are actually racing boats or if they're decorative. The men in the picture are in front of a television and some speakers and are singing karaoke loudly. This is 3 o'clock in the afternoon under an overpass. It went on for the entire two hours we were there.
Our next practice was at 8 am so I'm thinking it will be quiet and the crazy singers will be resting. Well they were however, there were people in their late 40's and early 50's dancing instead. It was hilarious, but they were really good dancers. I hope I can move like they do when I'm their age.
Taiwan is the land of the random. It's crazy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the whole canoe idea...the Karakoe is a little scary though. Were they singing in english?

On a side note, who is the guy in the red shirt? Love ya girl, miss you tons!!