Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Giant Petri Dish

So I am teaching a kindy class for the month of May until we get a new teacher in to take it over full time. I started last Wednesday. By Saturday I was sick. Splendid.
This is one reason why I didn't want to teach Kindy. You are essentially working in a giant petri dish. It's Wednesday as I write this and I'm still sick. Feels like I will be for at least a few more days.
Can't you just feel the happy?

We started practicing on the river last Sunday for the Dragonboat races. I will try and get you some pictures soon to show you how disgusting the river is. You cannot really understand unless you can smell it. I was told that it smells better than it did a few years ago. That disturbs me. Can you guess what the river was used for to cause it to smell so bad? I'm sure you can. Judging by the amount of trash still in the river I'm guessing it's still used as such on occasion.
So aside from the ick factor actually being in the boat and paddling was pretty nice and the team seems to be getting into sync pretty well. We're going to rock.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just what ever you do, don't tip the boat. you never know what you might catch by touching the water. Better yet, wear gloves...or even better yet...don't paddle a boat out in it!!!