Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heat Exhaustion is Not Fun

I am finally over whatever it was that the little petri dishes ah I mean kindy kids gave me.
Felt good enough today to walk up the mountain again. Added bonus today was beautiful. Sunny, not too hot and I got to sleep in. Always good in my book.

So during my trek up the side of the road I came across this van with it's "parking brake" on. I felt compelled to take a pic and record it for posterity.

Here are some pictures of the dragon boats. This is the dock area and those are the boats we practice in and will be racing in.

Here you can see the fronts of the boats a little better.
I will be taking more pics at the next practice and of course on the race day I will have friends to take pictures of the event.

My reason for the title of this post is that at the last practice I got hit with mild heat exhaustion. I didn't drink much water before practice and didn't eat a good breakfast. So once we got rowing in the direct sun on the water it got to me pretty quickly. Being sick to your stomach on a canoe that is lurching is not an experience I recommend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tanya,
The boats look really cool. I found a poster from a Taiwanese artist that depicts the Dragon Race. I'll have to take a picture of it to show you. So when is the race-must be soon. Good luck.
love, MOM