Sunday, August 31, 2008

Durian Ice Cream

Susanne and I went out for dinner a few weekends ago. She took me to a lovely and tasty thai place that is close to her place. We were lucky enough to sit next to the beverage dispenser and didn't even have to get out of our seats to refill our cups of iced tea. I could just lean over a bit to the left. Fabulous for a nice lazy dinner.

We enjoyed some curried chicken and a cold papaya salad with shrimp cakes. Dessert, which was included with the meal, was ice cream. One of the choices was durian. I have heard of durian before and seen it at the markets. It is a large spike covered fruit that has a particularly strong odor when ripe that is quite off putting and slightly nausea inducing when you have an empty stomach (or at least when I have an empty stomach). I'd heard interesting things about it that it tasted custardy and slighty sweet with a hint of garlic or onions.
The owner encouraged me to try it and told me I could have a different flavor if I didn't care for it.
You notice there are two bowls of ice cream in the picture. The one on the left is durian the one on the right is coconut. The durian had an odd aftertaste that I was not immediately liking so I chose to have a bowl of coconut ice cream. There was corn in my coconut ice cream. There were also little bits of something green, but I couldn't figure out what it was. So far eating ice cream here that is not from Cold Stone Creamery has been quite the adventure. I will persist and see what new entertaining additions I come across.

The picture below is of a durian fruit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's what I've heard of Durian fruit. I worked with a guy from Malaysia and he really liked it, but also said that most people in the US would hate it. He also commented that it smelled a lot like sweet onions and garlic. Not something I was ever interested in trying, I can tell you that much.