Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Chiang Kai-Shek

And now for random pictures of things I've seen around Taipei.
The first picture is of Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall.

To the right (or left depending on which way you're facing) of the main hall is the National Theatre. I just liked the lanterns strung along the outside. Inside is a statue of Chiang Kai-Shek which has guards standing at attention. Every hour they change the guard which involves a military precision march off and banging of rifle butts on the floor. You can see the gouges in the floor where it has been repeatedly banged.
Taipei was completely walled in at one time in its history. When the Japanese came they tore the wall down and only a couple of the original gates into the city still stand. I believe this one is the East Gate.
I think this one is the North Gate.


Unknown said...

I envy you! Getting to see all of thise cool stuff. I'm surprised that some of these structures, like the gates, are still standing. I'm glad they are though, they are beautiful! I wish I could see this stuff with you.

Anonymous said...

The gates are beautiful. They look so typically Japanese; they are Chinese/Taiwanese though. I guess that makes sense, same part of the world. I'm with Chris, hoping to see a lot of this with you some day.
love, MOM