Saturday, November 08, 2008

I'm Sad

One of the down sides of being a transient in Taiwan hit me rather forcefully last night.
One of the girls that I've met and become good friends with, had a bad experience at work which is causing her to think about leaving the school and possibly Taiwan altogether. After hearing about what happened I can't say that I blame her. (I won't go into it here until the situation is resolved on the extreme off chance that someone sees this and it turns into a problem) Lets just say that over a few beers and several different people hearing about it the end result was always the same. Tell them to fuck off and make sure someone pays for it.
It just makes me very sad to know that someone I really like spending time with and thought I would be seeing until at least July is going to be leaving much more abruptly.
I know that she and I will stay in contact, but as many of you know it's never the same as having that person in the same city and being able to spend time with them.
With the holiday season coming up my roommate and I are overcompensating by hosting a big Thanksgiving gathering at our place. It's interesting trying to find traditional Thanksgiving foods in a country that doesn't (for obvious reasons) celebrate it. I did find out that there are places that sell turkeys if you order them and there are even hotels and some restaurants that will cook them up for you with all the trimmings. Hot Damn that makes me happy. Now to hope it doesn't turn out to be ridiculously expensive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOOOOO!!!! Turkey!!!

sounds like it could turn out pretty well after all!

I'm still not sure what is going on for the holidays. I'm hoping not much, but I don't think I'll be getting away with that. So far I have to work the day after, so its not like I can travel anywhere.