Saturday, November 08, 2008

More Taroko

You will have to click on the picture to be able to read what the sign says. It tells you a little about the Shrine and why it was built. Basically when the were building the highway that cuts through Taroko gorge many men died so they built this shrine in their honor.

These bug sculptures were pretty random and I don't know why they are at the base of the shrine. I thought they were nifty.

All the water in the area is currently the color of concrete. According to the park rangers it's due to damage from the last typhoons. A lot of stuff was swept into the river and the bottom was really churned up. They said it will take several months for it all to settle again and become the beautiful aquamarine blue it is supposed to be.

In this waterfall you can see the color the water usually is.

The day got more overcast as we went, but it kept the temp cool and was great for hiking in.

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