Thursday, November 06, 2008

Taroko Gorge

Saturday morning we suit up, mount our scooters and within five minutes of getting starting our group gets separated and we had to stop and regroup.
Here we are waiting for the rest of our group to find us. In this picture is Brady on the left, Tania by the scooter and Zane (pronounced Zana) in the back.

The following pictures are from around Taroko Gorge. It is beautiful and the pictures don't really do it justice. Please enjoy.


Unknown said...

They look like pictures out of a fairy tale! How BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing all this, it's so cool that you're sharing your experience like this. Looking at your blog is like I'm getting a vicarious tour of China!

Karina said...

Neato pictures! I particularly like the one where everyone is silhouetted against the mouth of the cave.

The gorge is pretty cool too :)