Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Ah the joys of living in close quarters with hundreds of other people. Many of whom also apparently do not have day jobs. Across the field from my apartment there is noise emanating from a ground floor abode. From what I can gather, with my casual observation of looking out over my balcony in that general direction, is that there are people singing karaoke in a garage like setting with the speakers turned up high enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
There is lots of wailing type sound coming from said speakers and is thoroughly amusing. It's mainly amusing because these people have absolutely no shame and I can always just turn my own music on a a reasonably low level and drown them out.

In other news I have a mosquito bite on my forehead and it itches like hell. Not too mention I look adorable with a bright red circle on my forehead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats fun! I love being forced to listen to people sing badly. That's why I avoid going to any bar that has karoke..or how ever you spell it....