Friday, May 08, 2009

Still here

So I don't believe I have updated everyone on what is going on with me and my future endeavors.
I have interviewed with a recruiter for the Taiwanese public schools. The interview went well and I'm being put in the pool of contenders to reviewed by the government for job placement.
This is good, but there are a couple drawbacks. I have to wait until mid-June to find anything out and there is a possibility that I could be placed somewhere on the island away from all my friends.
The latter point could be a deal breaker for me. A big reason that I want to stay in Taiwan is that I've made some excellent friends and I'm not ready to leave them yet, although a few of them will be leaving me. That is the nature of living here. People come and go with alarming rapidity.
I will have to see what happens when I'm offered a job.
Another reason is that I have not had a chance to do even a small fraction of the traveling that I want to do. Getting a job with the public schools will allow me more vacation time (paid even) to do that.
There is also a private (apparently highly exclusive and much sought after by teachers and students alike) that I will be applying at. I don't have high hopes for this one as it's extremely competitive and I don't know if I have enough desire to pursue it in a crazy fashion that I'm told some people do.
So that's the current job front.
But Tanya, what if you don't get a job offer?
Excellent question, thank you for asking.
I will dig a hold and crawl into it.
Okay, well probably not.
I will be flying back to the states on July 19th. I am going to visit my friend Val in Georgia first and then head up to my home states of Michigan and Wisconsin. If I don't find a job I will stay for a few months and look around at other job options and see where things take me.
One thing that I am certain of is that I'm not ready to settle down back in the states yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You telling me you don't want to work at FCX again... :) You make me smile missyy......