Sunday, May 03, 2009

Will you do it please?

I walked into work on Friday and I see two of my students being yelled at by Tina. Tina is one of the secretaries and she also maintains discipline and order in the main area when the students are milling about waiting for class to start or parents to pick them up. She is highly effective as a disciplinarian and scary as hell when she gets going.
So, yes, she is yelling at two of my students. I am not surprised that it's these two particular kids as they have a habit of being silly and mischievous. I am, however surprised at the length of time this is going on for. I have no idea what they did and it's one of those situations when it's better to just wait until things have calmed down a bit before asking questions.
I go about preparing for class and the other teachers and I just take it all in (even though none of us is understanding what is being yelled.) At class time I head up and notice that the girl is not in class yet and the boy is unusually subdued. I decide it's best to just get on with things in as normal a fashion as possible and ignore the situation.
Grace, my CT, comes into class and during a lull when the kids are getting books ready I ask her what the heck was going on. Apparently Ring, the girl, learned a bad word and shared it with Ryan, the boy also getting yelled at. Okay not good, but not terrible yet. I don't know what the word is, but I do know it is not an English word so it didn't come from me. (and no I don't use bad words in class or around the kids). The point where things get bad is that the kids used this word on their moms. I don't know how much the kids understand the word they used, but it was definitely used in a correct manner and broke their mother's hearts.
Now the strange part (to me anyway). The parents asked that Tina yell at the kids for them because the kids are afraid of Tina. Why are parents sending their kids to their after school program and asking to have those caretakers discipline their kids for them? This is an interesting way to put responsibility on someone else for raising your child with a sense of decorum and manners. I have no idea if the kids were punished at home or not. I do know that the teachers in this country are highly respected and tend to be insanely strict. That is the big reason that kids are so well behaved in school. Corporal punishment is legal. I don't advocate beating students to keep them in line (although I have had days when I've wanted to smack someone for being rude), and our school does not allow it anyway. Maybe the parents are taking advantage of the situation and letting the teachers be the bad guys so they don't have to be.
Which I think will ultimately be counter-productive. This way you're teaching the kids to respect, fear and obey teachers but not parents.

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