Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Tomb Sweeping

Hello all.
So today you get to learn a little about Chinese religion. This Friday April 4th is a national holiday in Taiwan and China known as Qing Ming Jie. In English one translation is tomb sweeping day.
This day is much like the Mexican day of the dead.
People go out to their ancestors graves and bring offerings of food and drink and clean off the grave site.
So this is a national holiday here and we get the day off of work. In celebration I am planning to go in search of some hot springs with a friend. I will keep you informed of my progress. ; )

If you want to learn a little more about this holiday check out this site.

1 comment:

MOM said...

Hey, Tanya,
Autumn Moon Festival sounds really good. Might be a good time for us to come visit. Do you think it will have cooled off at all by then. Enjoyed the short lesson in their religion.