Thursday, October 30, 2008

On a Mission

Hi all,

I wanted to alert you to something that my sister is doing.
Several of you know my sister and will be interested in hearing about what she is doing with her life.
For those of you who don't know her she is an amazing person with a sharp wit, a quirky sense of humor and a big heart that she has dedicated to God. She is a using that devotion to begin mission work in South America. She will be chronicling her adventures with her own blog page although I wonder how regular her internet access will be. I don't know exactly where she's going yet.
If you want to check up on her and wish her well here is here blog address:
There's not much there yet as she has just begun the process, but I know it will be amazing to hear about the work she will be doing and the experiences she will have.


Anonymous said...

I am just so proud of both of you.

Anonymous said...

Awww shucks. That's an aweful nice thing to say. Thanks Tanya!! You're a swell sister. :)

Also, you are correct, not much is happening in the way of bloggable material, so nothing has been posted since 10/23/08. I know, I know, I'll start getting stuff out there.
