Saturday, May 09, 2009


And now for some odd randomness.
Today at the end of my Tree House 6 class I was going over the new vocabulary words and explaining to the kids that if they weren't sure what the word meant they needed to look it up.
I gave them the web site for and that pretty much ended any further instruction for the next few minutes as they threw questions at me. Then Gerald pulls out one of his books and shows me the word he has written in the back of it: antidisestablishmentarianism.
There is no context for this and he doesn't explain why the hell he has this word written in the back of his book. He wants to know the meaning. I have heard of this word and I even managed to pronounce it mostly correctly (I think), but I have no earthly idea of what it means. I tell him this and Miranda, the Chinese teacher for this class is just laughing. He next wants to know the grammar label. Uhhhhh. . . I think it's a noun, but don't quote me on that (I looked it up. It is.)
Then Sonic (yes his English name is Sonic and he is going to be a doctor when he grows up) decides he needs to know how to spell congratulations so I spell it for him and the class is very impressed that I can spell a big word without looking it up. Then Miranda points out that I'm from America and don't need to be quizzed. (I realize that not all Americans are good spellers, but the class of 10 year old Taiwanese kids do not yet know this.)
This put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. Sometimes the randomness of kids is just the pick-me-up I need to remember why I like to teach.


Unknown said...

ok, I have one question....does Sonic at least have spikey hair? It would be a serious shame if he didn't.

Tanya said...

Yes, Sonic's hair is spiky.